Bali Trip 5D4N (Day 1)
“Our Valentines' Day Bali Trip - Day 1”
After 7 years of dating, S and I have finally spent our valentines overseas for the first time ever! It was a little bit of mixed feelings at first because I wasn't really that sure of going on a trip with just the two of us, having just me & him planning out the whole itinerary of the entire trip, especially to a place like Bali (which was quite complicated to plan out because it wasn't just shop and eat everyday kind of place). But all in all, we managed it quite well I would say. The fact that it was a very very very last minute trip kind of dawned us into thinking that it might be a fail trip at first. But both of us enjoyed it pretty much, except for the fact that we packed the itinerary a little bit too much, making us quite tired during the whole time there. But I was quite contented with this trip overall. We managed it quite well for first-timers in Bali and we also calculated the finances part quite accurately.
Okay enough with the blabbing now, time to move on to our itinerary there!
First day - Arrival at Airport > Check-in hotel > Water sports > Dinner > Back to hotel
7:05AM: Departure at Changi Airport
I didn't sleep very well that day so I slept throughout the entire journey to Changi Airport from my house while S was busy entertaining our very chatty grab-driver. I would say he is indeed really a very nice uncle but a little bit too chatty for the angsty me with only 1 hour sleep LOL.
10.30AM: Arrival at Denpansar Airport
Once we reached Denpansar Airport, we just rushed off to get a cab to head to our Villa/Hotel ASAP because we had scheduled for our driver for the water activities to pick us up at the hotel quite early. And here comes our FIRST SCAM ENCOUNTERED.
Well I would say that the transport services in Bali is really quite messed up. They had seriously so many differen groups of drivers there, Random Drivers (those that just legit drive their own cars around and demand any amount they will want from tourists - usually the group that I would most definitely stay away from because their price quotations are legit over the top), Uber/Grab/Bluebird/GoJek (most definitely the group that I would go for), and Private Tour Drivers (recommended if you're going to travel to many different places in a day).
So I already warned S about the Taxi Scams encountered by the many tourists (I read ALOT of tour blogs on Bali before going) but since Bluebird is blocked from entering their airport, we had no choice but to negotiate with the Drivers that were waiting at the Taxi Queue. So a few drivers came up to us and quoted unreasonably high prices, 30mins ride for IDR350000 (SGD37). I negotiated and did not agree to get on and stated that I would agree for IDR150000 (SGD17), but S decided to interrupt and said we would accept IDR200000 (SGD22) and so the driver agreed. Typically the ride should only cost IDR70000 (SGD9). I was kind of pissed off at first because of his hasty reaction to take over the price negotiations and got us an unreasonably high price but first time here, so let's just forgive and forget. I didn't wanted to fight with him over this little thing either so I just told him off a little and decided to forget about the matter afterwards.
And riding on their road was seriously the scariest shit ever. I totally felt so blessed for the safe roads and traffics and amount of lights we have in Singapore. Their roads were so chaotic since most of the vehicles on the road were bikes. And since their cultural there for horning the vehicle is to notify someone (whereas in Singapore it's only used when the cars are legit gonna hit each other etc). The horns were literally heard every 1 minute.
11:30PM: Arrived at Bali Ayu Villa & Hotel
We arrived at our hotel a little earlier with empty stomachs and decided to cook the cup noodles I brought over and have a quick lunch before our driver arrived to pick us up for the water activities.
1:00PM: Water Sports
Our driver arrived on time and fetched us to where we'll be doing our Water Sports at. Shocked at his age, he was younger than I was, only 20 year old. But his driving speed legit made me kind of nauseous... he was legit driving over 150 when speed limit is only like 70 LOL.
And we started our Water Activities!!
We signed up for a package at for Parasailing, Banana Boat, Fly Fish, Snorkeling, Glass Bottom Boat to Turtle Island for IDR470000/pax. But as we reached there, they told us that we wouldn't be able to do Parasailing due to the wind direction and so we decided to change to Parasailing Adventure (for 2) since he mentioned that it was bigger and more stable and more automated hence not needing to be dependent on the wind direction. We also removed Fly Fish off the list because I just wasn't feeling it. It looked kind of scary and with such big winds that day I was afraid I'll get nauseous from the ups and downs. So the price changed from IDR470000/pax to IDR530000/pax because Parasailing Adventure was relatively more expensive.
Our first activity, BANANA BOAT!
You can see my "Oh my god is this boat going to flip over, is it going to be scary, is it going to be very fast" worried expression before S decided to tease me...
It wasn't really that scary, quite peaceful actually but still enjoyed it. I'm not really a person up for thrills. Next activity, PARASAILING ADVENTURE!
How our boat looked like. And how my face looked like.. ok I'm legit just a scardey cat ok. After about 5 minutes of waiting, it was finally time!!!
Can't deny that this was one of the best things and most enjoyed one I had through the whole Water Sports. Kept having this perception that our Parasail was one of the highest ones.
Funniest thing was when we landed back down I had wobbly feets IDKY?!?! And the person had to help me down HAHA I felt so embarrassed. Cons of being unsporty as hell.
Next up was.... SNORKELLING!!
Ok this activity was the god damn worst of everything because I was whiny like shit and become an official burden to S HAHAHA. I can't swim and am legit scared of water. I freaked out there and was like crying and refusing to get into the water and was just wailing there holding onto the rope attached to the boat.
S and our boat driver had to convince me to get down and trust the safety jacket. The current of the water was pretty strong that day as well since it was windy. As I cried and refused to go down, our boat driver decided to drive us to another area for calmer and less deep water so that I wouldn't panic as much. And it succeeded!! Of course, after much persuasion from S. I made him had bruises everywhere after snorkelling because I grabbed onto him so hard that he had a hard time trying to swim through the corals. I'M SORRY MY BAE LOL.
Excuse my dying fish face because I legit was feeling like I'm dying HAHA. But it definitely was a good experience, will be less scared next time!!!! (now that I've gained experience and trust in my life jacket LOL)
Next up!!!! Our final activity of the day - TURTLE ISLAND!!
There were so many Turtles there (that's why it's called turtle island LOL). There's super duper big ones too like 70y/o turtles. We carried snakes as well but because the battery of our GoPro died we didn't snap any pictures (aww what a pity). I was refusing like shit at first but since the owner of the snake was a 70+ y/o lady I decided to pluck up my courage and I was super shocked when the snake tried to wrap around me. It was freaking heavy as well HAHA scary experience.
6:00PM: Back to our hotel
We took Bluebird from our hotel to Naughty Nuri's for their famous ribs!!! The bluebird bill came out pretty cheap. AND a thing to take note of, there are TONS of fake bluebirds in Bali. Those fake bluebirds have meters in their car too. But it's altered, hence the meter price goes up twice as fast. Just take note that it's the real Authentic Bluebird before taking them!! Bluebirds vehicle are generally in lighter shades blue while the fake ones are darker in shades. You can google out ways to identify them too.
7:30PM: Finally reached Naughty Nuri's.
Their food there was amazeballs although I have to admit it's really pricey. The total bill came out to cost around SGD50. But I would totally recommend that place because the food was really good!!
We ordered their Signature Grill Ribs, Double Whammy Cheeseburgers, Banana Fritters, Homemade Ice tea and Fruity fizz.
Forgotten to snap the other food pictures because I was too hungry HAHA.
It then started pouring after we finished eating so we decided to Uber back to our hotel. Uber is literally so much cheaper than bluebird HAHA but our hotel area doesn't allow uber so....
That concludes our Day 1. Look forward to Day 2!!
Labels: Dates, Life, Overseas, Relationship |
About Me
![]() ![]() I'm a twenty-one year old girl living in Singapore, named Michelle. My blog will mostly contain about my personal life, and I'm going to keep this blog like a personal diary for me! (since I'm too lazy to write it down and typing is so much easier) Click here to know more about me...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Recent Updates